The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® is one of the major spearheads in promoting proper care for all animals. Any form of neglect is unacceptable. This includes the failure to maintain your dog’s paws and nails. Knowing how to care for your canine companion’s nails and paws can help keep your dog happy, safe, and healthy. Here are the details.
You should trim your dog’s nails when you hear them clicking against the floor. It is time to trim if your dog’s nails keep getting caught in your rug or floor gaps. Dogs that spend most of their time at home need weekly pedicures. Canine companions that go on frequent walks may take longer between nail clippings.
Choosing the right type of nail clippers is the first step you must take. There is a guillotine type and a scissor type. Pick the one you are most comfortable using. See if your dog will like or tolerate nail clippers.
You can use treats to train your dog to accept the clippers. If this does not work, try using a nail grinder. Nal grinders have vibrations and sounds. Associating a nail grinder with something positive can help your dog accept it.
Some dogs do not accept nail clippings right away. Studies show that these dogs can remain calm if you introduce this grooming technique the right way. Treats and soft words can help. Rubbing them with the clippers or grinders can help associate nail clippings with something calming. Once your dog accepts the nail clipper or grinder, consider the following tips:
Inspect your dog’s paws for debris and dirt. Remove any fragments and pebbles caught between the paw pads.
Hold your dog’s paw in a firm but gentle way. Massage your dog’s paws. This can help calm your dog down. Be sure to cut your dog’s nails from top to bottom.
Cut each nail little by little until you see the start of a circle. The circle should be the color of the nail, but seeing it means that you are almost at the quick, which is a vein that sustains the nail.
Be more careful if your dog has black nails. In case you do cut the quick, apply some cornstarch or styptic powder to stop the bleeding.
Give your dog a treat after each successful clip.
After nail clipping, smooth away the rough edges with a nail file. Do not forget to rub on some paw balm to finish the experience with something positive.
If you think you cannot do the clippings yourself, bring your dog to the vet instead.
There are dogs that can tolerate someone touching their paws. Other dogs do not like it because of sensitive paws. You must get your dog used to paw rubbing and holding. This will make nail clipping easier.
Start rubbing your puppy from the head to each toe. Provide praises, kisses, and treats. Do this every day and make it a fun ritual. That way, your dog can become more accepting of the nail clippings. Walking first can drain much of your pup’s energy before the clipping. This can help your dog relax and even nap while you clip away.
Knowing how to maintain your dog’s paws and nails can help keep your pup safe, happy, and healthy. At MPC of Texas, we are always ready to guide pet parents in providing high-quality care to their loyal companions.
You can bring your canine friend with you and drop by our facility in Schulenburg, Texas, for an in-person consultation. Please call 210-690-3799 to set an appointment or ask about our nail and paw care treatments.